Saturday, February 02, 2013

Science: How Light Affects Sleep

tablet, tablet light, girl holding tablet, melatonin production
Image: STEVEN PUETZER Getty Images
This Scientific American article discusses how exposure to bright light, like from iPad and computer screens, can cause sleep problems by suppressing your body's release of melatonin.

"Mariana Figueiro of the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her team showed that two hours of iPad use at maximum brightness was enough to suppress people's normal nighttime release of melatonin, a key hormone in the body's clock, or circadian system. Melatonin tells your body that it is night, helping to make you sleepy. If you delay that signal, Figueiro says, you could delay sleep. Other research indicates that “if you do that chronically, for many years, it can lead to disruption of the circadian system,” sometimes with serious health consequences, she explains."


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